
I’ve recently touched down on the idea that writing in my diary is far too romantic and stupid for me. Mind you – I’ll still do it, but if I’m going to write then I should also write well. I don’t write well in my diary; I just write a lot. Thoughts are cool to write down but if they’re never composed then my social skills are going to wither away. To develop a filter, I’m going to pursue a blog/oped format on this site. I’m not going to share any recipes because those are secret and I will one day want to charge people for them but I will share my opinions on things no one really cares about.

I’m in discovery of something I’m passionate enough about to write a lot about it. Unfortunately that requires a lot of commitment to an idea and as I’ve noted in all my online dating profiles I’m not on the internet to find commitment. A joke – only partially.

I think the preceding two paragraphs will tell you more about me than I would want anyone who crosses this site to know. I’m relatively young and really into vegetables – so what that should tell you is I’m really lame. Enjoy your stay!